General Information:

IBM z Systems software trials include pre-configured environments and guided scenarios that demonstrate the real-world value and usage of z/OS applications.

Over 20 different zSystems products are included, and scenarios are designed to engage users of all experience levels.

  • No charge and with no installation
  • Trials available within 2 hours
  • Trials available for 3 days (including weekends)
  • Request up to 2 different trials at one time
  • Once a trial has expired, users can re-register for the same trial

Return to IBM Z Trial catalogue

Please review the IBM z Systems software trials FAQs but, if this does not answer your query, then please send an email to 

When contacting the IBM Z Trial team make sure to use the same email address you used to register for a trial.  Please include in your email:

  • Log in credentials or trial number - details sent in the email titled 'Your trial is ready' if this has been received
  • Scenario title and step where the issue occurred
  • Screenshots


Q - I am having an issue with my IBM ID

Registration Process

Q - I did not see the 'Congratulations' page after accepting the agreement but received the message 'We are unable to process your request right now, please try again later'?

Q - I did not receive any emails after registration?

Q - I received a duplicate email but I don't have an active IBM Z Trial?

Q - I received the 'Thank you for registering' email but I didn't receive my log in credentials email?

Trial Instance

Q - I cannot access the trial instance using the log in credentials received in the 'Your trial is ready' email?

Q - The IBM® Explorer for z/OS® (API Requester) failed to launch?

Q - The PCOMM app failed to launch?

Q - I cannot access the internet on the trial machine?

Q - I cannot successfully log in to the applications within the trial?

Q - What should I do if my system becomes unresponsive or I cannot gain access?

Q - I can only see scenarios, I can't see the wizard

Q - How do I maximize the screen size?

Q - How do I increase the font size?

General Comments

Q - Am I able to extend my trial?

Q - The feature/product I would like to try isn't included in the published trials.

Q - Am I able to explore the IBM Z Trial environment instance beyond the scenarios?

Q - Am I able to carry out any development work on my trial?

Q - How do I contact IBM Tech Sales/Sales?

Q - How do I find out more information about particular IBM products?


- Do not shutdown or restart trial instance. Once finished with your trial, close the browser window.

- If the Scenario or Wizard window is blank, try to close all the open windows and applications. You can restart the trial by clicking on the IBM Z Trial Wizard icon shown on the desktop. If the problem persists, send an email to IBM Z Trial team quoting trial details.

- Once you have logged into the trial instance, any User IDs and Passwords required to complete the trial are provided within the scenarios - do not use your IBM ID or the log in credentials in the 'Your trial is ready' email within the scenarios.

- When contacting the IBM Z Trial team please use the email address you used to register for the trial. If you have receieved an email then please forward this email chain to raise your query.